Nia’ Walker was born in Oakland, California.  She studied Theology at the Mountain View Christian Center School of Theology in Oakley, Ca.

It was discovered at a early age that Nia’ was gifted, she often complained about seeing and hearing spirits. Later in life, at the age of 16 she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior! After which her calling was discovered. Nia is the wife of Pastor Shawn L. Walker whom she loves, respects and admires tremendously.

The Lord spoke to Nia’ in 2006, during a time of an 11 year backslidden state. He said that He was going to “rescue her from a life of sin & shame.” God said that He was going to give her another opportunity to get it right. However, the Lord also told Nia’ that if she did not walk up right before Him this time, He was going to take his hands off of her life.

On May 17, 2007 Nia’ received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, after which the Lord spoke to her once again telling her that He was preparing her for “something".

In January 2008 Nia’ met, Shawn L. Walker and later became Mrs. Shawn Walker. That's when Nia' found out just what the Lord was preparing her for…and she was indeed floored. Shawn & Nia both labor TIRELESSLY together in ministry, fulfilling the will of God. They both are walking miracles of God’s healing and delivering power.
They have a baby girl ShawNia’ (3) and a son Joshua (21).

Nia’s interests are broad and varied. She enjoys being creative. Anything that she can re-create with her artistic influence is what she enjoys accomplishing. She is a non-conformist; she enjoys being a wife & best friend to her husband, mothering her children (natural & spiritual ones), studying, teaching, laughing, praying & living.

February 2011 Nia' retired as Owner of the only female owned Security/ Bodyguard Service in the bay area to fulfill the infinite will of God concerning her life. She gives ALL praise, glory, and honors to God for her many accomplishments. Most of which are not listed here.

Nia' is a Prayer Warrior, she knows that prayer and obedience to the word of God is key to maintaining salvation. She leads the prayer ministry at Outreach Life Assembly. Lost souls have been drawn to the prayer as a direct result of the anointing that is on her life. Many have come in the doors from hearing her pray & saying

December 2010 Nia' assisted her husband and leader Pastor Shawn L. Walker in planting the ministry of 
Outreach Life Assembly aka OLA. The ministry has surpassed all adversarial opposition through Jesus Christ.
Nia' is the leader of OLA’s women's ministry.....GIRL TALK w/Prophetess Nia’ Walker. Since the start of
GIRL TALK May 2011.....God has increased her anointing immensely. Countless numbers of women lives have been transformed & transcended because of the anointing of Jesus Christ. Nia ALWAYS maintains the position that all power belongs to God. She is never afraid to say that she is a NOBODY, trying to tell EVERYBODY, about SOMEBODY, who can save ANYBODY. (True Story)

Nia’ adores helping souls come to Christ. The way the Holy Ghost uses her is radical, powerful, unique & extraordinary. But whenever, she is extended an opportunity to operate in the fullness of God’s power, there’s not one soul that is untouched. She HATES satan, & delights in delivering a "death blow" to his synagogue through the power of the Holy Ghost. Nia’ has been called & chosen to the five fold ministry. She has a yearning for souls to be SAVED, HEALED, DELIVERED, & SET FREE by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus she has a MADE UP mind to BIND, REBUKE & CAST the devil and his transporters out through the Holy Ghost.

Her ultimate endeavor is to one day hear the Lord say “Well done, my good & faithful servant."-Amen


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is  the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jews first and also to the Greek." (Rom 1:16)

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Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16)